Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hello my dearest .........Tere Kullake

FromHappiness Doma
dateTue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:48 PM
subjectHello my dearest .........Tere Kullake.

Tere Kullake.
Minu nimi on Happiness nägin oma
profiil täna kell www.golive.ee mis huvitavad mind, ma arvan, et meil võib tulla hea friends.Please ma nagu sa ühendust mind minu e-posti aadressi, võin teile anda minu pilte teile teada, kellega ma olen.
Siin on minu e-posti aadress (happybabysent22@yahoo.com). Usun, et võib liikuda
siit. Ma ootan oma posti minu e-posti aadress
eespool. (Pidage meeles kaugus või värvus ei ole oluline, kuid armastan küsimustes
palju elu)
Palun vastake mulle minu e-posti aadress siia
Yours New Friend
Miss Happiness.

Hello my dearest.
My name is Happiness i saw your
profile today at www.golive.ee which interesting me, I believe that we can be come a good friends.Please I will like you to contact me through my email address so i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.
Here is my email address( happybabysent22@yahoo.com ).I believe we can move
from here. I am waiting for your mail to my email address
above.(Remember the distance or colour does not matter but love matters
alot in life)
Please reply me with my email address here
Yours New Friend
Miss Happiness.


Ma olen vist armunud! Hingesugulane vist! : )))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Saturday, April 11, 2009

from anneth mmbouye

fromanneth mmbouye

Hello Please contact me on this email (annethmmbouye2@yahoo.co.uk)

Please, I am a Girl of 22 I come across this Internet site and found your post profile very interesting to me. That we may find our selves being in so intimate together as life partner.
My name is Anneth if you will like to know more about me or see my picture send me email on my Email address so that i will reply you with my picture and tell you more about me
(annethmmbouye2@yahoo.co.uk) is my email address
Thanks and remain bless.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Hello from

from jelinlove
reply-to jelinlove@ymail.com
to waffad@***
date Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:45 AM
subject Hello

Minu nimi on miss jelin nägin oma profiili täna kell (www.kohting.ee) ja sai
Samuti tahaksin teada, teile rohkem, ja ma tahan, et sa saata postiga minu e-posti
aadressi, võin teile anda pilt teile teada, kelle l am.Here on mu e-posti
aadress (jelinlove@ymail.com) Ma arvan, me saame liikuda here.I
e-posti aadress above.miss jelin (Pidage meeles kaugus või värvi
ei ole oluline, kuid armastan küsimustes palju elu Palun vastake mulle minu e-posti
aadress siin ei ole see sait aitäh


My name is miss jelin i saw your profile today at (www.kohting.ee) and became intrested in you,i
will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send a mail to my email
address so i
my picture for you to know whom l am.Here is my email
address(jelinlove@ymail.com)I believe we can move from here.I am waiting for
your mail to my email address above.miss jelin(Remeber the distance or colour
does not matter but love matters
Please reply me with my email
address here not in this site thank you


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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

realove120 from GoLive.ee Eesti Keeles :D

Saadetud › 03/23/2009 15:05
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › Tere Tere
Tere Tere!
Minu nimi on miss hiilguse, ma lugesin you saidi ja i
otsustada Teiega lootuses, et te nõustute minu soov, kui te
aktsepteerida minu soov, siis palun vastake minu e-posti aadress
(glorygukama@yahoo.co.uk), nii et i
Saadame teile oma fotosid ja rohkem
mind, ma arvan, me saame teha head sõbrad, permettez vahemaa ei ole takistuseks, vaid
lets love ühendada, sest armastus on silla ühendamiseks palju kaugus olema

Yours Lovely
Hello Dear,
My name is miss glory,i read about you in site and i
decide to contact you hoping that you will accept my request,if you
accept my request ,please reply to my email address
(glorygukama@yahoo.co.uk) so that i
will send you my photos and more about
me,i believe we can make good friends,let distance not be a barrier but
lets love connect,because love is a bridge connect far distance to be

Yours Lovely

jane35 from goLive.ee Eesti Keeles

Saadetud › 03/23/2009 07:44
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › jane.jane35@yahoo.com

Minu nimi on Jane nägin oma profiili täna kell golive.ee ja i love sai ka intrested sind, ma ka seda tean, et sa rohkem, ja ma tahan, et sa saata e-posti directely Minu e-posti aadressi, võin vastata teie posti ja ka teile oma pilt teile teada, kellega ma am.Here on mu e-posti aadress (jane.jane35 @ yahoo.com) Ma arvan, me saame liikuda here.my armastus kaugus või värv ei ole oluline, kuid armastan küsimustes palju life.i ootavad recive teie
armas vastus kiiresti, Yours
Miss Jane.


My name is jane i saw your profile today at golive.ee and i love it also became intrested in you,i will also like to know you more,and i want you to send an email directely to my email address so i can reply your mail and also give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address(jane.jane35@yahoo.com) i believe we can move from here.my love distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life.i waiting to recive your
lovely reply soon, Yours
Miss jane.

feligud from GoLive.ee Eesti Keeles :D

Saadetud › 03/17/2009 00:15
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › nice to meet you
Nice to meet you
My name is felicia,
i saw your profile today at (www.golive.ee) and became interested in you,Here is my email address (felicia2pacco@yahoo.com)
I believe we can move from here. feel free and write to me with my
email address, so that i will send my picture to you

Meeldiv tutvuda
Minu nimi on Felicia,
Ma nägin oma profiili täna kell (www.golive.ee) ja sai huvitatud sind, Siin on minu e-posti aadress (felicia2pacco@yahoo.com)
Usun, et saame liikuda siin. võid vabalt ja kirjutada mulle mu
e-posti aadress, nii et ma Saada minu pilt, et te

happylove2 from GoLive.ee Eesti Keeles :D

userpicture Saadetud › 03/09/2009 08:33
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › happiness1984john@yahoo.com

Armsaim Üks.
Minu nimi on Happiness, ma olen väga hea, kena ja lugupidav noor tüdruk armastuse, hoolivat, toetavad, Sincere, Easy lähed, Romatic ja hea maine. Ma olen otsinud väga ilus ja arusaadav mees terviklikkus, Kohe läbimas oma profiili siin "golive.ee", tahaksin pealevõtmispiirkond huvi teil seetõttu ma nagu sa vastata minu sõnum mainitud E-posti aadress (happiness1984john @ yahoo.com) nii, ma annan sulle minu pilte ja rohkem mulle, et saaksime edasi minna. Kallis, mul on vaja kedagi, kes on tõsiselt sõprus, mitte neid, et mängida mitmele südames.



Dearest One.
My name is Happiness, I am a very good, nice and respectful young girl of love, Caring, Supportive, Sincere, Easy going, Romatic and of good reputation. I am looking for a very nice and understandable man of integrity, Immediately going through your profile here on "golive.ee", I pick interest in you, Therefore I will like you to reply my message with mentioned E-mail address (happiness1984john@yahoo.com) so I will give you my pictures and more about me so we can move forward. Dear, I need someone who is seriously for friendship, Not those that play with someones heart.


joybaby from GoLive.ee Eesti Keeles :D

userpicture Saadetud › 03/08/2009 15:44
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › hi


Minu nimi on rõõm olen pikk, hea välimusega, täiuslik keha joonis ja seksikas. Ma nägin oma profiili ja oli hea meel, et teiega, loodan, et teil on tõsi, armastav, aus ja hooliv inimene, et olen uurinud 4, ja mul on midagi erilist öelda teile minust, nii et palun võtke mind otse minu aadressile joyed10@yahoo.com nii, et ma ei saa saata oma pilt ja veel minust



My name is joy I am tall ,good looking, perfect body figure and sexy. I saw your profile and was delighted to contact you, I hope you will be the true loving, honest and caring man that I have been looking 4, And I have something special to tell you about me, So please contact me directly through my address joyed10@yahoo.com so that i can be able to sent my pic and more about me

juliet22 from golive.ee Eesti Keeles :D

userpicture Saadetud › 02/18/2009 09:23
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › Hello from juliet22johnson@yah

Kuidas teile täna, ma loodan, et kõik on hästi teiega. Mul on kahju, et muretse sa mu
Ettepanek suhted teid, kuid tean, et te annab soov
heas usus ja mõistmist, Minu nimi on Juliet Ma läksin oma
profiili (golive.ee) Mul ei ole võimalusi
kui üürile te teate, et olen
huvitatud võttes suhted teid ka tahaksid teada teile
Lisaks saab saata e-kirja oma e-posti aadress (juliet22johnson@yahoo.in), nii
et ma võin saata teile lähemalt minu enda ka minu pildi. Usun
saame liikuda siin. Aga meeles pidada, et Eesti ei ole värve paisuni, no
haridus tagasi maapinnale tõket ei sotsiaal-majanduslikku Barrier, usu-, keele,
rahvuse või vahemaa takistuseks, ainus tähtsam asi on armastus. Mina olen
waiting for your mail minu e-posti aadressil. Lugupidamisega Juliet.


How are you today, I hope all is well with you .I am sorry to worry you with my
Proposal for a relationship with you, but I know that you will grant my request
in good faith and understanding, My name is juliet I just went Through your
profile at (golive.ee) I have no options
than letting you Know that I am
interested in having a relationship with you, I will also like to Know you the
more, you can send an email to my email address (juliet22johnson@yahoo.in) so
that I can send you more details about my self Including my picture. I believe
we can move from here. But bear in mind that Love has no colors barrier, no
educational back ground barrier, no socio-economic Barrier, religious, language,
nationality or distance barrier, the only important Thing there is love. I am
waiting for your mail to my email address above. Yours Sincerely juliet.

happy00 from goLive.ee - Eesti Keeles :D

Saadetud › 02/17/2009 11:28
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › happybabysent22@yahoo.com

Tere Kullake,
, Kuidas sa teed täna oma tervist. Ma arvan, et sul on kena päev, minu nimi on õnne. Sul on kena profiili www.golive.ee huvitab mind, ma arvan, et meil on head sõbrad. Mu kallis ma saan sind usaldada, ma vajan umbes ma usaldust ja helistan talle minu oma, ma vajan usalduskonto väärt isik. Räägi mulle teie ise. Usun, et nii palju ausalt. Ma otsin aus inimene, kes ma olla kindel, ja jagada minu augu armunud ... sa saaksid mind läbi minu e-posti aadress (happybabysent22@yahoo.com) Ma ootab yhteydenottoasi Kiiresti.
Sinu uus sõber.
Palun ma nagu sa pöörduda mind läbi minu e-posti aadress, (

grace01 from golive.ee - Eesti Keeles :D

userpicture Saadetud › 02/10/2009 18:48
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › grace4ammed@yahoo.com

Minu nimi on armust,
Olen noor ilus tüdruk, täis armastust, hooliv ja romantiline. Olin muljet, kui ma nägin oma profiili ja ma armastan seda, ma arvan, et me saame klõpsa koos. Ma nagu sina vastata mulle sellest e-posti aadressi grace4ammed@yahoo.com ja ma näitan sulle minu pilt, siis te teate rohkem mind.
Palun kontakteeruge minuga otse e-posti aadressi grace4ammed@yahoo.com nii, et mul on piisavalt ruumi, et lisada pilt ja saata selle sulle sealt teile rohkem teada mulle.
Vanus, kaugus ja keel ei loe midagi, kuid armastus küsimused elus.

rosebaby24 from goLive.ee - Eesti Keeles :D

Saadetud › 02/05/2009 02:28
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › Tere kallid,
Tere kallid,

..Loodan, et te teete just trahvi üle there.My nimi on miss Rose. Ma tahan teile teatada, et l sai oma profiili ja oma e-posti aadress from. / golive.ee siin ja pärast läheb läbi l leitud te huvitavad, loodan, et teil ei ole meeles.
Kui olete huvitatud teada rohkem mulle ja ma saadan teile minu pilt, vaid Võtke mind minu erasektori
post addresse kell (rosebello985@yahoo.com)
Hope yhteydenottoasi varsti on ilus päev ja seal viibimise

nii et kui huvitav tunne mind pls proovige kirjutada mulle tagasi minu e-posti kasti rosebello985@yahoo.com et võin saata teile minu pildi ja kõik minust näen sind kiiresti ja jumal õnnistatud te

suzy208 from goLive.ee - Eesti keeles :D

userpicture Saadetud › 02/02/2009 22:35
Loetud › 03/31/2009 16:35
Pealkiri › Hello

mu kallis, ma olen täiesti rahul, teiega pärast läbimas oma profiili minu otsida suhe. Minu vanus, kaugus, rassi ja värv ei ole oluline, pigem väärtus, mida ma kõige rohkem mõistmist ja armastust, et on olemas meie vahel. Nii et erilist viisil Ma tahaksin edasiseks teabevahetuseks teile, et me teame üksteist hästi, kui te jagavad sama arvamust minuga jõuaksite mind mu e-posti aadress (susanoti@yahoo.in) olen püüdnud öelda mulle rohkem sinust oma vastuses ütlen teile rohkem mu enda oma picture.I olen ootab readfrom sina.
Sinu uue sõbra Suzy

goodbaby from goLive.ee

userpicture Saadetud › 01/29/2009 16:20
Loetud › 01/31/2009 08:48
Pealkiri › Hello

Am Destiny,
i saw your profile today at (golive.ee) and became interested in you,
i will like to know you the more, and i want you to send an email to my mail so that i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am. Here is my email address (destinyviarey1@ymail.com) I believe we can move from here. I am waiting for your reply in my mail don't send it in the site.
(Remember the distance or color does not matter but love matters allot in life)

patty4u from goLive.ee

userpicture Saadetud › 01/28/2009 12:52
Loetud › 01/31/2009 08:48
Pealkiri › hello dear patty2_yahaya@yaho
hello dear patty2_yahaya@yahoo.co.uk

my name is Patty yahaya i saw your profile today at (golive.ee) and became interested in you,and also like to know more about your self,contact me true my email address from there i will send you my pictures OK (patty_yahaya@yahoo.co.uk) need your caring love. CHEERS Patty.


doricelove from www.goLive.ee

Saadetud › 01/24/2009 12:32
Loetud › 01/31/2009 08:48
Pealkiri › HI

Hello dear
My name is carlin, i read about you and i liked you so decide to contact you for friendship hopeing that you will accept my request,if you accept my request ,please reply to my email(carlinlove2_williams@yahoo.com) or send me your email so that i will send you my photo and more about me, i believe we can make good friends,let distance or age not be a barrier but lets love connect,because love is a bridge that connect far distance to be close

anita4kiss from goLive.ee

userpicture Saadetud › 12/24/2008 17:20
Loetud › 01/31/2009 08:48
Pealkiri › Hello With Love,

Hello With Love,
i am Anita,single never married, tall slim,and fair,that loves sightseeing and reading,i viewed your profile and got interested in knowing you more for important discussion,could you please reply to me via my mail address anitaxx1@yahoo.com so that we will know each other very well.i will send my pics later.

doricelove from goLive.ee

Saadetud › 12/22/2008 11:21
Loetud › 01/31/2009 08:48
Pealkiri › hello

My name is carlin, i saw your profile today and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address (carlinlove2_williams@yahoo.com) I believe we can move from here! Awaiting for your mail to my email address above carlin

love500 from GoLive

Saadetud › 12/09/2008 13:16
Loetud › 12/15/2008 22:46
Pealkiri › hi

How is your day i belive all is well,
My name is jenifer, i saw your profile today and became intrested in you,am looking for a nice man that knows how to take cara of a woman that can take cara of me in any thing .i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email addras(jeniferawa100@yahoo.com) I believe we can move from here! Awaiting for your mail to my email address above jenifer.

happylove from GoLive.ee

Saadetud › 11/13/2008 11:57
Loetud › 12/15/2008 22:46
Pealkiri › hapinessgodwin@yahoo.com

Dearest One.
I am sorry to disturb you. My name is Happiness, I am a very good, nice and respectful
young girl of love, Caring, Supportive, Sincere, Easy going, Romatic and of good reputation. I am looking for a very nice and understandable man of integrity, Immediately going through your profile here on (golive.ee) I pick interest in you, Therefore I will like you to reply my message with mentioned E-mail address (hapinessgodwin@yahoo.com) so I will give you my pictures and more about me so we can move forward. Dear, I need someone who is seriously for friendship, Not those that play with someones heart.

asmibaby from GoLive.ee

Saadetud › 11/11/2008 15:47
Loetud › 12/15/2008 22:46
Pealkiri › (asminaadams@yahoo.com)
Hi Dear,
Hopefully this mail will find you in a perfect state of mind and good healthy condition. I personally find your profile at (www.golive.ee) and i decided to drop you few lines just to say hi,I am looking for a long term relationship with someone who is kind who understands the need to love and be loved. I want to have communication with you.
hope to hear from you soon